Edited Volume

The principal interpretative output of the project will be a volume of essays entitled Literature of the Stuart Successions, by an international cadre of scholars including members of the project team. The volume is edited by Paulina Kewes and Andrew McRae, and will be published by Oxford University Press. A provisional table of contents is outlined below.

The collection will place new research on specific texts or historical moments alongside work that traces the themes and forms of succession literature throughout the Stuart era. The volume seeks to explain and contextualize the wealth of succession literature produced during this period, at once widening our appreciation of seventeenth-century literature and politics and setting an agenda for subsequent work.


Table of Contents

Introduction, Paulina Kewes & Andrew McRae


PART I. Moments: Stuart Successions in Context


1. Richard McCabe (Merton College, Oxford), ‘Panegyric and its Discontents: The Stuart Succession 1603-04’

2. Alastair Bellany (Rutgers University) ‘The Murder of James I’

3. Steven Zwicker (Washington University, St. Louis), ‘“He seems a king by long succession born”: The Problem of Cromwellian Accession and Succession’

4. Christopher Highley (Ohio State University), ‘Charles Stuart: “A Wanderer of Uncertain Religion”’

5. Helmer Helmers (University of Amsterdam), ‘1685 and the Battle for Dutch Public Opinion: Succession Literature from a Transnational Perspective’

6. John West (University of Exeter), ‘“A Great Romance feigned to raise wonder”: Literature and the Making of the 1689 Succession’

7. Joseph Hone (Jesus College, Oxford), ‘The Last Stuart Coronation’


PART II. Transformations: Stuart Successions in History


8. Paulina Kewes (Jesus College, Oxford), ‘Elizabethan Succession Polemic in the Stuart Age’

9. Andrew McRae (University of Exeter), ‘Welcoming the King: Subjects and the Nation in Succession Panegyric’

10. David Colclough (Queen Mary, University of London), ‘Sermons on the Accession of Stuart Monarchs’

11. Henry Power (University of Exeter), ‘University Verse Collections and the Stuart Successions’

12. Jane Rickard (University of Leeds), ‘Stuart Coronations in Scotland’

13. Ian W. Archer (Keble College, Oxford), ‘The City of London and the Politics of Stuart Successions’

14 R. Malcolm Smuts (University of Massachusetts, Boston), ‘Royal Consorts and Mothers of the Seventeenth Century’

15. Barrie Cook (British Museum), ‘”The Impress of our Lawfull Coyn”: The Numismatic Dimension of the Stuart Successions’

16. Mark Knights (University of Warwick), ‘The Loyal Address: Prose Panegyric, 1658-1715’

Afterword, Paul Hammond (University of Leeds)